Patti is an experienced improviser, director, screenwriter, actress and comic, student of Keith Johnston. Patti lives in Australia, where she was the artistic director of Impro Melbourne. Currently, she shares her knowledge and style of improvisation with artists from around the world.
More about Patti Styles:
Patti jest doświadczoną improwizatorką, reżyserką, scenarzystką, aktorką i komiczką, uczennicą Keitha Johnstona. Mieszka w Australii, gdzie przez lata była dyrektorką artystyczną Impro Melbourne. Obecnie dzieli się swoją wiedzą i stylem improwizacji z artystami z całego świata.
Więcej o Patti Styles:
Friday 6/22, 10am-5pm (6h) // Piątek 22.06, 10-17 // BOOK - ZAREZERWUJ
As improvisers we are storytellers. Our work is based on creating stories through spontaneous moments. Be it short form, long form, comedic, or dramatic the same narrative principals apply. Many improvisers learn a series of trained responses (say yes to everything) instead of developing their creative impulse and narrative intuition (what the story is, whose story is it, and craving the unknown). This master class focuses on developing creative impulse and narrative intuition while looking at some common narrative pitfalls such as why we seem to repeat the same stories and have a difficult time finding endings.
10-18 students, RED TRAIL // SZLAK CZERWONY
Saturday 6/23, 2pm-5pm // Sobota 23.06, 14-17 // BOOK - ZAREZERWUJ
Improvisers who inspire, surprise and delight their partners are the most fun to play with. How do they do this magic? This workshop explores exercises and techniques to help you delight, surprise and inspire your partner. How to change them, affect them and watch them light up!
10-18 students, GREEN TRAIL // SZLAK ZIELONY
Sunday 6/24, 10am-5pm (6h) // Niedziela 24.06, 10-17 // BOOK - ZAREZERWUJ
Master Class is designed for the experienced improviser and is focused on providing specific feedback on the individual from an experienced outside eye. We look at strengths, patterns and habits. The aim is to bring a greater awareness of your work, provided challenges and open areas for growth.
10-12 students, BLACK TRAIL // SZLAK CZARNY